MARKER branding

Creative agency specializing in branding and communication

At Marker, you’ll find a multidisciplinary team passionate about what we do and driven by what we can achieve for your brand.

Somos una agencia especializada en diseño y comunicación visual
Creamos estrategias para posicionar tu marca

Who we are & what we do

We are a creative agency founded in 2019 with the vision of helping businesses achieve market positioning through effective and relevant communication tailored to their audience. We achieve this through strategies designed to identify and understand the target consumer, their values, and what they seek in return. This allows us to help companies shape their personality and offerings, increasing their appeal during the purchasing journey.

Nos apasiona cada nuevo proyecto de branding

What drives us

Challenges... and branding is one of them. We’re driven to approach each project independently and comprehensively because no two brands are the same. From their vision, values, products, and services to their operations and unique way of doing things, every element is part of the equation to achieve a successful result.

We’re passionate about creating strategies alongside you that capture the attention of those seeking what you offer. Our goal is to help you deliver the best version of yourself to your clients.

Our core values

At Marker, we are guided by core values that are an integral part of our essence in every project we undertake.

  • Somos una agencia creativa con compromiso


    We are a team defined by our unwavering dedication to delivering the best possible results for our clients, ensuring their brand’s needs are fully met.

  • La honestidad es un pilar en nuestro servicio


    Trust is a fundamental virtue in all our client relationships. The information you share about your brand will always be handled with complete discretion and security.

  • Creamos proyectos de branding y marketing con calidad


    Our work is methodical, carried out in stages to ensure results that meet and exceed expectations. Our attention to detail makes all the difference.

  • Creamos soluciones creativas para las empresas


    We think outside the box, seeking alternative solutions that effectively address each brand’s challenges. We love to create while always maintaining a practical perspective.

Somos un equipo creativo multidisciplinario

The origin of the name Marker

A Marker (highlighter or pen) is used to emphasize the most important parts of a book in a sea of words. Our name is a metaphor for what we offer: helping businesses stand out from their competition by creating strategies that result in a memorable brand capable of effectively communicating its value proposition to a well-segmented audience.

Somos MARKER branding y creamos marcas memorables

Who makes up Marker

  • Miguel Espinosa

    Miguel Espinosa

    Co-founder / Creative Director

  • Oswaldo Ancona

    Oswaldo Ancona

    Co-founder / Administrative Director

  • Adibe Mena

    Adibe Mena

    Marketing Coordinator

  • Yesica Morales

    Yesica Morales

    Graphic Designer

  • Edgar Méndez

    Edgar Méndez

    Web Developer

  • Natalia Mena

    Natalia Mena

    Photography / Video

  • Sandra Gahona

    Sandra Gahona
