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Real Estate

Descripción del clienteClient Description

AVICA is a real estate developer with over 9 years of experience in the industry. They specialize in residential projects in the western area of Mérida. In recent years, they have expanded their projects to the northern part of the Yucatecan capital and Tulum, Quintana Roo.

Equipo de ventas Avica durante la ExpoVivienda

The Challenge with the Brand

The company emerged as a valuable alternative for developing affordable housing for the middle and lower-middle sectors, creating homes accessible to a significant number of Yucatecans. In 2013, the year of its founding as a developer, they began a working relationship with us that continues to this day. At that time, their main challenge was the lack of a name, logo, and solid identity.

Proceso de abstracción del logo para Avica

Our Solution and the Result

We proposed various name options, and Avica was chosen for being short, simple, and memorable. The name is an acronym for their core focus - “Architecture of Housing, Engineering, and Construction of Environments.” Subsequently, we developed logo alternatives. The winning proposal is based on the logic of construction—layers and levels. Each area and process must be carried out systematically and in an orderly fashion, as the completion of one stage marks the beginning of another. This is graphically represented by lines and stages stacked on top of one another, forming the shape of a house. The upward arrow symbolizes growth and progress.

Diseño de logo para Avica

Logo impreso de Avica Diseño de tarjetas de presentación para Avica Diseño de tarjetas, agendas y portaplanos para Avica Diseño de portaplanos para Avica Diseño de logo en oficinas de Avica Diseño de sitio web para Avica Vista de su proyecto Yaxnáh en el sitio web de Avica